Research commissioned by Mind and published today has found that work is
the most stressful factor in people’s lives with one in three people (34 per
cent) saying their work life was either very or quite stressful, more so than
debt or financial problems (30 per cent) or health (17 per cent).
The survey of over 2,000 people found that workplace stress has resulted
in 7 per cent (rising to 10 per cent amongst 18 to 24 year olds) having
suicidal thoughts and one in five people (18 per cent) developing anxiety.
The fact is that:
- Excessive pressure = stress
- Anti-stress interventions DO work
- Resilience is the key to beating stress!
Here are some Questions and Answers to help you better understand work
Is stress is good for me?
No! Pressure is good for you but stress is not.
What is the difference between pressure and
Pressure motivates and is within your control and you can usually manage
it. Stress is the adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure.
What causes stress?
Fundamentally, it is the way that we think about a situation rather than
the situation itself that causes stress. What
is a stress ‘carrier’?
People who exhibit stress-producing behaviour but are unaware of the impact
of their conduct upon others.
What are some of the physical reactions to stress?
Dry mouth, anxiety, rapid breathing, moist palms and dizziness. Go to for more information about the signs and symptoms of stress and how to manage them.
What are some of the symptoms of prolonged stress?
Sleep problems, headaches, anger, indigestion.
What are some of the causes of work place stress?
Long working hours, lack of autonomy, excessive expectations, uncertainty,
work under-load / overload
What are some of the effects of work place stress?
Poor performance and productivity, low morale, reduced commitment and
increased absenteeism.
What can the organisation do to manage stress?
Introduce Best Practice with a range of employee wellbeing interventions.
What are the benefits of taking action to manage work stress?
The organisation will benefit from reduced absenteeism, improved staff
morale and increased productivity.
Contact us for more information about how to prevent and/or manage
workplace stress and improve employee wellbeing. Call us for a FREE 15 minute
discussion on +44(0)20 8954 1593 or email us at: for
more information about how we can help you or your organisation.