workplace stress

Mother Nature as a Stress Reliever

Headley Court, the UK’s armed forces’ dedicated rehabilitation centre, is offering gardening therapy to their patients – servicemen and women – who are trying to heal wounds gained in combat and to rejoin their units as quickly as possible, albeit sometimes in a different role.
Find out from motivational speaker, Carole Spiers, how gardening helps soldiers come to terms with their psychological or physiological loss.

The Key to Success: Plan for a Stress-free Retirement

As retirement becomes a new chapter in your life, it is important to approach that lifetime change in a positive way. One issue that many people fail to consider when planning for their retirement, is the potential stress that can come from a fundamental lifestyle change coupled with an often new environment, as explained by Motivational Speaker Carole Spiers.


Stress Tips: Glass Ceilings Can Be Shattered

Stressed? The pressure of managing a work-life balance is a reality for most women in the workplace – whether she is a director or a secretary. Even with support, there is often a role conflict in being a working mother. And in today’s high-tech, high pressure workplace, women have to find a way to assuage the inevitable feelings of guilt that sometimes rise to the surface.

Workplace Bullying – a conspiracy of silence?

If people are in fear of going to work and watching the clock to get back to the safety of their home, then those people will be poor performers, poor sales people, poor producers and a bad advertisement for your firm, says Carole Spiers. That competitive disadvantage will also be reflected in your company’s image and your brand.

Coaching Session

Hard work never hurt anyone! Need some stress relief?

Are you being asked to work longer for no more money?
Would you like your team to put in more hours without feeling resentful?

How can you ensure people still put in the hours without feeling resentful or become stressed? Three simple solutions come to mind from, Stress Management expert, Carole Spiers.

Stress at work: Emirati women fit into new roles

If more Emirati women are to emerge as business leaders in the future, they must develop their self-confidence and, perhaps, renegotiate their responsibilities with their families. The challenge for the UAE is to create an environment where Emirati women can pursue any career they choose in the future, and know that they will be judged on the basis of their work performance and not on their gender.

Managing the Royal Pressure at Work

It has been announced, in Britain, that the heir to the throne, Prince William, is to marry Kate Middleton, next year.
But Carole Spiers says, ‘Marriage is a major decision for any of us to make but Kate will be joining the British royal family, and will become the wife of a future King of England. And that means that she will also be starting a new job and there will be enormous stresses to overcome, at least in the beginning.’

Can Business Entrepreneurship be taught?

Business entrepreneurship can be taught through formal study-courses and motivational speeches. It comes down to a particular mindset that supports heavyweight performance and decision-making.