Conflict at Work Causes Expensive Disruption
Conflict at home can cause upset and misery. Conflict at work can cause expensive disruption and these hidden costs are underestimated in many organisations. Find out what to do about it here.
Conflict at home can cause upset and misery. Conflict at work can cause expensive disruption and these hidden costs are underestimated in many organisations. Find out what to do about it here.
DOING YOU GOOD, DOES YOU GOOD. This was the theme for Britain’s Mental Health Awareness Week which has taken this week. Promoted by the Mental Health Foundation, it focuses on how, by helping others by acts of kindness, volunteering and peer support, you can indeed help yourself.
Stress at work? Many individuals feel trapped in their daily activity but see little opportunity to change it as they have financial commitments and the thought of leaving to trying to find another job with another company is worse than the existing job.
Dispelling the myths and misconceptions about stress at work.
Before embarking on a self-employed career, you need to give consideration as to whether you are really suited to what will initially be a 24 hour job.
How many times do you feel angry but don’t know why? How often do
you become aggressive and say things you don’t really mean, and then feel upset and guilty afterwards? Similar events happen to most of us, at some time, and we fail to understand the reasons.
International Women’s day has always had a specialmeaning for me. To read of the stories of community, empowerment and leadership is such a motivation and encouragement for all women, whether at home or in the workplace.
Find out how to deal with stress when you have just been made redundant.
How are your time management skills? Are you a good multi-tasker? People pride themselves on being able to multi-task but it might not be helping our efficiency. Or is it?
Stressed because your desk is untidy? I believe that a tidy desk will improve your efficiency and make your working time more enjoyable.