How to be More Confident at Work
It would seem that in many organisations, individuals who exhibit high levels of confidence, even though that confidence may be unjustified, nevertheless often attain promotion over less confident colleagues.
It would seem that in many organisations, individuals who exhibit high levels of confidence, even though that confidence may be unjustified, nevertheless often attain promotion over less confident colleagues.
Here in the UK, we are on a ‘high’ after the successful London Olympic Games and with the Paralympics about to begin. The weather may not always be great but the country came together as one. We talked to each other on the streets, there was a buzz around the office and as the gold medals increased, everyone felt good.
But how long will that feeling last and wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could just bottle it, to be opened when the energy we have been feeling throughout the country will have gone?
We are not all Olympic competitors, but in one form or another, we will have had to manage disappointment and the powerful emotions that it releases. It happens to all of us, rich or poor, old or young, man or woman. It is a fact of life that will happen to you and although it cannot be avoided, how you deal with it will determine the effect it has on your life and the extent to which you can control that effect. Disappointment is a combination of two things: your expectations and perceptions of an event and its actual resolution.
Is passion and having the right attitude, by themselves enough for success. Learn from the Olympic champions.
In reality, of course, we cannot manage time, we can only manage ourselves and our
relationship with time
Do good looks and charm really get you to where you want to be? I know that I am drawn to an attractive, good looking child and I think to myself ‘that child will be successful in life’. But is that all it takes? Probably not, but it may well help to climb the career ladder.
Do you experience stres & anxiety because of a lack of respect from others? ‘Treat others, as you would want them to treat you!’ How many times do we hear this being said? We say it to our children and hope that they will remember it for the rest of their lives. We all know that to earn respect, we must first give respect and, of course, give it to ourselves as well, for if you don’t respect yourself, then no-one else will respect you.
Relieve stress by being more positive. Everybody feels ‘down’ sometimes, but those negative feelings usually don’t last long. Life is not a straight line for anyone. Life is like a sine wave, it goes up and down and there are peaks and troughs. To be reasonably happy with our life is usually the default position, but if things go wrong over a period of time, then that position can change.
Conflict at home can cause upset and misery. Conflict at work can cause expensive disruption and these hidden costs are underestimated in many organisations. Find out what to do about it here.
DOING YOU GOOD, DOES YOU GOOD. This was the theme for Britain’s Mental Health Awareness Week which has taken this week. Promoted by the Mental Health Foundation, it focuses on how, by helping others by acts of kindness, volunteering and peer support, you can indeed help yourself.