In-Person Customised Programme for Leaders
'Good Leaders Talk but Great Leaders Listen!'

Book an in-person Workshop or interactive Webinar

3 Proven Solutions Offered by Our Customised Programme

Improved Team Performance

Enhanced Collaboration

Efficient Problem-Solving

Why Should Leaders Actively Listen?

Active listening by leaders has a significant, positive impact on both productivity and employee happiness. People thrive when their voices are heard and they feel valued.

Authentic listening fosters trust, boosts engagement, and generates valuable insights. Leaders who prioritise listening demonstrate genuine appreciation and recognition of their team’s contributions.

The Benefits of Actively Listening

Engaging in active listening with employees cultivates a profound sense of value and recognition, resulting in enhanced health, well-being, and the nurturing of a positive workplace culture.

Striking the Balance Between IQ and EQ

Many managers rise to their positions because of their technical expertise but frequently encounter a significant skills gap in people management due to a lack of training and experience. To bridge this gap, we have developed a training program specifically designed to assist technical experts in becoming successful people managers.

Our program underscrores the critical importance of emotional intelligence (EI) in conjunction with intellectual intelligence (IQ) within their managerial toolkit.

'Good Leaders Talk but Great Leaders Listen!'

Training Programme Objectives:

  • Master the art of being fully present
  • Learn the art of reflecting back what has been said
  • Acquire tools on how to manage silence
  • Gain inights into understanding thoughts and feelings
  • Cultivate empathy and foster a deeper level of communication
  • Foster trust and nurture positive relationships

Training Programme Outline

  • Know how to start a conversation
  • Build trust and estblish rapport
  • Cultivate empathy while being non-judgemental
  • Master the art of managing silence
  • Utilise the power of open-ended questions
  • Learn to interpret body language: mirroring and matching
  • Ways to navigate sensitive conversations
  • Tools to skilfully bring a conversation to an end

Delegates Will Leave With:

  • Strengthened EQ skills through practical listening tools
  • Enhanced capacity to build and nurture relationships
  • Increased confidence in navigating and addressing challenging situations
  • A skillset applicable for Performance Reviews, Feedback, Return-to-work interviews

This presentation unearths the game-changing potential of soft skills, placing a spotlight on the pivotal art of active listening.

What's Being Said About Our Training Programme

“Everyone who I’ve spoken to that attended found it really insightful, engaging and has definitely got them thinking about ways they can implement these useful tips in their day-to-day.”

Alicia ORegan, PA to Matt Gough, Innovation Director, Mace

This motivational programme is crafted to not only provide insight but also inspire and drive effective action. It can be delivered as a dynamic in-person Executive Workshop or an engaging and interactive Webinar experience.