Insomniac? Find out how to get a good night’s sleep
People who can’t sleep at night rarely function well the next day. They lay in bed just watching the clock tick by! Sound familiar? Discover some strategies to cope.
People who can’t sleep at night rarely function well the next day. They lay in bed just watching the clock tick by! Sound familiar? Discover some strategies to cope.
If you are arranging a meeting, then there is a role and responsibility for doing so because you are taking people away from something else that they could be doing.
We are aware that all employees should be treated with dignity and respect and that bullying and harassment is detrimental to both morale and team dynamics and should never be tolerated. However, if you are being bullied, it is not always easy to know what action to take. All employers need to demonstrate a duty of care to everyone who works for them but, sadly, this is not always the case..
Productivity is being lost as people stop working early the day before the weekend. This is costing companies huge amounts of money every year.
In a group that exhibits poor dynamics, individual behaviour can disrupt work; lead to poor decision making, unproductive outcomes and unexplored options.
On an organisational level, when employees see how their role fits in with the company goals and vision, staff performance and productivity invariably rises. People are more creative and take a greater pride in their work so that the company operates more efficiently. From the CEO to company clients, everyone benefits from these positive effects.
Traffic jams, supermarket queues, computer crashes or a crowded metro are all stressors that can upset us and make us angry. We become irritable with our colleagues and shout at our family and loved ones. We become obsessed with trivia and suddenly that which should be the lowest of our priorities, develops into the most important problem in our life.
If you are stressed out by email, then motivational speaker, Carole Spiers provides 5 top tips.
It is part of being human to make mistakes, as long as you don’t repeat them. Always remember that many successful people, like Richard Branson, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, all made many mistakes- and learned from them. Only usually you don’t know that!
Reduce stress with positive self talk. When things go wrong in your life, search for ways in which you can improve the situation and always try to learn from the experience.