Be stress free and start your own business or not?
Before embarking on a self-employed career, you need to give consideration as to whether you are really suited to what will initially be a 24 hour job.
Before embarking on a self-employed career, you need to give consideration as to whether you are really suited to what will initially be a 24 hour job.
How many times do you feel angry but don’t know why? How often do
you become aggressive and say things you don’t really mean, and then feel upset and guilty afterwards? Similar events happen to most of us, at some time, and we fail to understand the reasons.
International Women’s day has always had a specialmeaning for me. To read of the stories of community, empowerment and leadership is such a motivation and encouragement for all women, whether at home or in the workplace.
Being a well-known celebrity, famous politician or business man/woman may be exciting but it also brings with it a whole exclusive set of stressors.
The snow in London brought about a community spirit of ‘togetherness’ and this should be packaged for our workplaces.
Carole Spiers, Motivational speaker asks, where is the line between a direct and blunt, personal management style and bullying behaviour? This is an acknowledged work stress issue and people need to know how to deal with stress.
What is bullying in the workplace? There are many signs of workplace bullying behaviour that are highly visible, for instance: the person who is publically humiliated by their manager or the individual who wrongly takes the credit for someone else’s work. However, there is another more insidious form of workplace bullying behaviour that needs to be addressed: that credit for someone is so-called ‘cyber bullying’.
Find out how to deal with stress when you have just been made redundant.
Stressed? We can show you how to deal with stress.
This is just that time of the year when we may be spending time with friends and family. But we should also give a thought to those who may be separated from their loved ones or who may have maybe lost someone close during the past year.