Author: Ian Stevens

Are you a champion?

There are times in all of our lives when we can lose focus and commitment to what we really want. We take our eye ‘off of the ball’ and then wonder why we don’t achieve our goal. We watch others pass us by to where they want to go and leave us behind, and we fail to understand the reason.

Anger Management: Does Modern Life Make you Angry?

Traffic jams, supermarket queues, computer crashes or a crowded metro are all stressors that can upset us and make us angry. We become irritable with our colleagues and shout at our family and loved ones. We become obsessed with trivia and suddenly that which should be the lowest of our priorities, develops into the most important problem in our life.

When Lying Becomes a Force of Habit

Everybody tells lies, or do they? They may only be ‘white lies’ and most of us do this at some time or tend to be ‘economical with the truth’. We tell ourselves that it doesn’t really matter and convince ourselves accordingly.

Accountability is a State of Mind

Responsibility equals accountability which equals ownership. It doesn’t mean ‘passing the buck’. If all your employees had this sense of ownership in your organisation, how much more influential or successful do you think it would be?

Do you learn from your mistakes?

It is part of being human to make mistakes, as long as you don’t repeat them. Always remember that many successful people, like Richard Branson, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, all made many mistakes- and learned from them. Only usually you don’t know that!